Well, it was another roller-coaster season on Love Is Blind.
Five couples got engaged in the pods, but only four made it to the altar. That doesn’t mean, of course, that those four all said “I do.”
In fact, it wasn’t a very successful season from a marital standpoint, as only one couple wound up tying the knot.

So who was the lucky pair who took the plunge? And why did all the others hold off?
Let’s take a look:
Monica and Joey
We’ll start with Monica and Joey, who seemed like one of this season’s safest bets.
After some initial rockiness involving her sister, these two successfully weathered every storm together, and it seemed like they were destined for marriage.
So you can imagine our surprise when they decided not to get married.

Monica explained that she couldn’t say yes “right now,” as she didn’t feel like they were “quite there.” Makes sense when you find out the first time she said “I love you” was at the altar.
Generally not a good sign when you’re supposed to be spending the rest of your lives together.
The couple plan to continue dating, and they walked back up the aisle together. So there’s still a good chance that Joey could turn out to be Monica’s Chandler. Or something.
Virginia and Devin
Next up are Virginia and Devin, who also seemed like they were ready to tie the knot.
There was some mild prenup drama, and Virginia might not have been thrilled with the cost of Devin’s sneaker collection, but those were minor concerns that could easily be overcome … right?

Alas, these two also decided not to exchange vows in front of the camera.
Virginia told a heartbroken Devin that she was “just not ready” to say yes to him. Political differences were a concern (a recurrent theme this season), and it turns out there were trust issues as well.
Virginia learned from Devin’s mom that he hadn’t told her about a wedding gift check that was intended for both of them.
Not cool, Devin! We won’t know their fate until the reunion show, but something tells us these two have gone their separate ways for good.
Ben and Sara

We previously reported that it looks as though Ben and Sara are not currently married.
And it brings us no joy to report that our theory has been confirmed.
Yes, in what’s becoming an anti-climactic trend for this show, Sara and Ben are not giving up on their relationship entirely, they’re just not ready to tie the knot.
She was the one who said no at the altar, and he requested the opportunity to continue letting their relationship “grow.”
“We’ll see. We’ll talk about that,” she said, before reminding him that they have differing views on a number of important issues. We’ll have to wait and see what happened with these two.
Taylor and Daniel

And with that, we come to Taylor and Daniel, this season’s sole marriage.
Yes, this season’s self-proclaimed “short king” is the only one who wound up wearing a ring.
There was a time when it looked like they would never get over some weird post-pod Instagram drama, but now it seems like they’ll be sending out Christmas cards together for many years to come.
Yet again, this season’s success rate was not great, especially when you factor in the messy Dave and Lauren breakup.
But you can bet that Nick and Vanessa Lachey will still be crowing about the success of this “experiment” on next week’s reunion show!
‘Love Is Blind’ Season 8: Who Got Married? Who Called It Off at the Altar? was originally published on The Hollywood Gossip.