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Bold and the Beautiful is on the cusp of revealing the true culprit between Luna Nozawa and Poppy Nozawa, as both women appear extremely damaged on the CBS soap.

It’s possible what we saw between the mother and daughter this week was Poppy testing Luna. Maybe Poppy finds Luna hard to believe when she promises her mother she is reformed. But, Poppy’s response was cruel, and some fans think she acted this way for a reason. Still, if it was a test, for a second there, it looked like Luna failed miserably.

Bold and the Beautiful: Luna Nozawa Has Two Mothers?

On Bold and the Beautiful in the past, listening to Luna Nozawa (Lisa Yamada) talk about her mother was heartwarming. Luna said her mom was a great single parent. She told all her new  friends in LA, just what an awesome her mom, Poppy Nozawa (Romy Park), was to her. Although, Luna was first peeved when Poppy showed up in LA.

But once Luna was caught for her crimes, things drastically changed. Suddenly, her mother was wicked and she had a childhood full of horrible strangers. Or at least that’s Luna’s story today.

Bold and the Beautiful: Luna Nozawa (Lisa Yamada) - Poppy Nozawa (Romy Park)

We know Poppy had an unstable past after learning she slept with her nephew a few decades back. Plus the number of possible fathers for Luna only reinforced the accusations that came from Li Nozawa (Naomi Matsuda).

Apparently, Li wasn’t exaggerating when saying that her sister slept around a lot. But which mother was Poppy from out of the two mothers Luna Nozawa describes?

B&B: Luna Nozawa Snaps

Bold and the Beautiful had Luna Nozawa trying to make amends with her mother this week. While the words were there, Luna lacked something else when suggesting they could start over. The right words came, out but she lacked emotion.

Someone reading off a shopping list would show more emotion than she did while asking her mother for a second chance. But Luna seemed to snap when her mother laid hands on her.

Poppy pushed her away and called her several nasty names before disowning her. Sure, Luna, the murderer deserved to be called all those things. But probably not coming from her mother.

Bold and the Beautiful: Poppy Lives Outside Normal Box

Luna Nozawa killed two men and was almost successful with a third murder on Bold and the Beautiful. Luckily for Steffy Forrester (Jacqueline MacInnes Wood), the wayword intern was captured before that could happen.

But while Luna did the deeds, people seem to hold Poppy Nozawa almost as responsible as her daughter for these crimes. Poppy doesn’t live inside the normal spectrum. Enough stuff has popped up on Bold and Beautiful to give plenty of evidence to this.

So does Poppy deserve some of the blame, or was Luna’s original mother-daughter story the right one? It’s hard to tell right now if Poppy was a great mom as her daughter orignally pointed out. Plus, she is a mom with a checkered past.

Poppy slept with her nephew, but instead of seeing this as wrong today, she tells Li that they loved each other and it was beautiful. Li told her sister she was sick and took advantage of  a teenager when sleeping with Finn (Tanner Novlan) 20 years ago.

Then Finn accused his aunt of knowing he was Luna’s father all along. He also accused her of purposely sleeping with a lot of men immediately following their encounter.

He believes she did this just so she wouldn’t know herself if Finn was the father. But deep down she likely knew all along. So Poppy Nozawa lived her life on the edge at times, but she still could have been the great mom as Luna said when first arriving on the scene.

B&B: Luna Tested or is Her Mother Washing Her Hands of Her?

If Poppy Nozawa was testing Luna Nozawa this week on Bold and the Beautiful, for a second there, it looks like Luna failed. The newly pardoned inmate’s facial expression turned stone cold when giving her mother a blood-chilling warning not to touch her.

We’ve seen Poppy in action as a mom to Luna, she loved her daughter and seemed to consider her in every decision she made. Plus, when Luna starts spewing off about the bad childhood she had, Poppy doesn’t see it that way.

So, for a moment there it looked like Poppy was about to accept her daughter’s olive branch but then she blew up. She went after Luna like she was poison, although, in a way she is. But it is posible she wanted to see if her daughter had really changed or not. Or were we seeing Poppy in true form?

But this interaction seemed to answer a question for Bold and the Beautiful fans… Is Luna really reformed? Well, the look on her face and that vicious warning to her mom seemed to say no, she hasn’t. But this is Bold and the Beautiful, so another switch can flip at any time on this CBS soap.

Head back to Soap Dirt for the latest Bold and the Beautiful spoilers.

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